Welcome to Kirangsan

Kirangsan reflects the thoughts and comments of the one and only Angela Sanchez. This page full fills the final project requirement for the BEHS 210 course through the University of Maryland and also gives you an insight on what I think about certain topics!
Since the beginning of my college career I have been on the path towards a major in Marketing, and only recently have I decided to get into the Social Science field. I think what influenced my decision the most was the fact that I am continuously intrigued by people. I'm the kind of person who asks too many questions and always wants to know more, more, MORE!! Social Science has kept my interests going since day one and I couldn't have picked a better field to be a part of!

"Never offend people with style when you can offend them with substance"
-Sam Brown

This is my all time favorite quote because it encourages one to forget the material things in life and focus on something you can never lose...KNOWLEDGE

Social Change and Social Problems

Globalization, urbanization, human and drug trafficking are all interconnected in that they fuel the economy and will continue because of corruption and greed. For one it is a matter of looking at things logically the core problem in countries is that they succumb to illegal acts such as human trafficking and drug trafficking and suffer from poverty and corrupt governments. 

The above Youtube video talks about the violence of the ongoing drug wars in Mexico.

I believe that the current focus is missing on third world countries that the basic problem is poverty. For one people need to understand how drug trafficking begins in that poverty is the perfect breeding ground for drug trafficking in that many third world countries have corrupt governments and are forced into this profession in that there is a high demand for opium from wealthier countries and poor countries end up becoming the supplier. Many peasant farmers are forced into more poverty and pay off debts unfortunately by selling their children.  For instance Afghanistan is the source for 90% of Britain’s opium and is a major supplier to the U.S. 

Human trafficking is another major social problem that affects everyone around the world, especially its victims. Most of them are forced into lives that they never wanted, taken away from their homes and families or coerced into thinking that they will have promising career. Most are drugged constantly and are in constant debt to their "bosses" and are threatened with injury or death if they try to leave. This is a common occurance every day but it its hard to identify these victims because of the threats of injury or death.

If you want to help the victims of human trafficking or the drug wars in Mexico here is how you can help!


Government and the Societies of Today

"Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys. "
  - P. J. O'Rourke

Growing up, I learned that there were two things that you never discussed with others: religion and politics. Both were absolutely off limits. Reason being because people always feel so passionately about either one (both in most cases) and the last thing you would want to do is offend someone. so it is with the utmost delicacy and tact that I examine the world of politics.

There are various forms of governments. Monarchies require no elections what so ever because the heirs of a country are born to a king and queen
  And some leaders are elected by the public

No matter how a nation's leader is chosen we can all agree that they are there for five primary functions:
1. To maintain internal order and external security
2. Ensuring justice
3. Safeguarding individual freedoms
4. Regulating individuals actions
5. Promoting general welfare

It is a governments job to protect its citizens which is what these UK police are trying to do before Anarchists send them running...

Technology and Society

Technology is a part of our everyday society and it has been for quite sometime. Whether we recognize it or not it has become an omnipresent fixture in our lives. Especially now a days. From the days of the industrial revolution to the domination of social networking sites, technology has some part in it.

Above is one of many pictures taken during the Industrial Revolution depicting child labor. Children worked long hours in factories for unfair wages and in dangerous conditions. Factories had emerged as a new way of making a product and transformed the way people (of all ages) went to work.

 This commercial has been out for some time but was the first thought that came to find when  I thought about mass production, globalization and product expansion. The line runs so smoothly until someone decides to use a different form of technology. Its amazing to think how far we've come when even cash isn't a desired method of payment.

Social networks are an ever evolving experience that connect people to their past and present. No longer to we mail letters, or make phone calls to keep in contact with each other. We access our Twitters, Facebooks, and Myspaces and post or thoughts and feelings so we can reach everyone at once. Below is the link to my Facebook where I can share the most important milestones in my life.


The movie review for The Social Network:


A refreshing view on the evolution of communication:

Social Stratification

I found the concept of Social Stratification one of the most interesting chapters in the book for a variety of reasons. Initially the concept of estate, caste, and social class did nothing but confuse me. Before reading the chapter I considered these three ideas to basically be the same thing. After reading and doing a little research I was able to understand why they each had their own group.
What stuck with me the most was discussing India's caste system. I had heard about it years before and the horrible conditions that lower caste Indians live in. While the idea of Karma is an accepted concept, to think that these people are living in such dirt poor conditions to pay for the sins of their last life is hard to digest. Wouldn't it be good karma for everyone else to offer them some kind of help? Wouldn't this "secure" their entry to a higher level when they return to this life?


The pyramid above illustrates the breakdown of the caste system with the lowest level being the harijans or more commonly known as "dalits". Their occupations are those that are least desired by any Indian, mostly to do with the cleaning of excrement.


Caste system explained in more depth:


I decided to focus so heavily on the caste system of India only because I personally feel it is a huge injustice and disgusting to treat a human being like that. This was a social system that was in place hundreds of years ago and even though it was abolished, it is still very much apart of the Indian way now.